Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Writing Through Your Pain

Part of writing about your life includes writing about painful experiences. We all experience pain, but sometimes we have a hard time talking about it. Writing can be the perfect way to express yourself. Why? Well, sometimes we cannot bring ourselves to describe our shame or the horrors of a violent event or the cruelty of someone we are supposed to love.
Write it down. In detail. If necessary (especially if you need to keep yourself safe), you may hide or even destroy your writing--after you put all the pain on paper.
It is best to speak to someone else if you can. Try to find a good professional to listen to your painful experiences and guide you to a place where you may be able to let some of the pain go. It can happen simply by expressing it.
When writing on your own, be sure to find a quiet, safe place. Write freely. Do not hold back. Write in details. If you become overwhelmed, seek help. "Check in" with your emotional self. Does writing about your trauma help? Sometimes we can experience a "good cry" (something like a release of pent-up negative emotions). Sometimes, however, we can experience flashbacks.
Be careful. Know of a source to contact. Then take the plunge. Expressing yourself can be a giant step towards healing.

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